Run Cypress Tests From NUnit Test (C#)

In one of our projects, we recently started using Cypress for end-to-end testing. Cypress executes tests written in JavaScript or TypeScript. However, we wanted to first perform some data-preparation operations using C#. In fact, we needed to run Cypress tests from NUnit C# tests.

In this article, I’m sharing how this can be done ? It will also be useful if you use another testing framework than NUnit, but the examples are based on it.

Foreach, IEnumerable and IEnumerator in C#

Highlighted image - laptop and monitors with code at them

Today, we’re taking a deeper look at foreach loop in C#. What does a collection need to be able to use it in a foreach loop? Does it have to implement IEnumerable interface? These questions are often asked during interviews, so it’s worth knowing the answers ?

We will go through a step-by-step example in building our own custom collection to see how all that works. Let’s dive in! ?