Run Cypress Tests From NUnit Test (C#)

In one of our projects, we recently started using Cypress for end-to-end testing. Cypress executes tests written in JavaScript or TypeScript. However, we wanted to first perform some data-preparation operations using C#. In fact, we needed to run Cypress tests from NUnit C# tests.

In this article, I’m sharing how this can be done ? It will also be useful if you use another testing framework than NUnit, but the examples are based on it.

Foreach, IEnumerable and IEnumerator in C#

Highlighted image - laptop and monitors with code at them

Today, we’re taking a deeper look at foreach loop in C#. What does a collection need to be able to use it in a foreach loop? Does it have to implement IEnumerable interface? These questions are often asked during interviews, so it’s worth knowing the answers ?

We will go through a step-by-step example in building our own custom collection to see how all that works. Let’s dive in! ?

Make Your Tests Bulletproof With Mutation Testing

Yumasoft - mutation testing, featured photo

What is mutation testing? How can we generate test cases “for free”? How to make our software tests bulletproof, so we can refactor the code with more confidence?

At Yumasoft, we believe that testing is an inseparable part of software development. Mutation testing, which recently got a bit more attention in programming communities, is a great way of improving our tests. In today’s article, we’re exploring what mutation testing is and why everyone should be using it ?

Top 5 Places for Digital Nomads in Southeast Asia

Laptop, tea and remote work

Based on my personal experience as a remote worker, I’d like to share with you my top 5 places for digital nomads in Southeast Asia. I found all these places having a great vibe for digital nomads.

At Yumasoft, we leverage remote work. It allows people who cooperate with us to freely travel if they’d like to. Everyone can choose to live in a place they feel comfortable. Especially in current times, when pandemic has changed a lot in terms of remote work. Let’s make a good use of it ?

Why Naming Tests Matters?

Why naming tests matters - highlighted photo (tests in ruby)

Do you even care about naming tests? Or maybe you use some random, not-much-telling names for your test methods? At Yumasoft, we treat testing as an inseparable part of software development. It turns out that the tests you write can tell a lot about your software. However, when named carelessly, these tests have much less value. Let’s talk about naming tests properly, so both programmers and business can get more value of them.

Migrating JavaScript React App to TypeScript

Featured image of Yumasoft article on migrating JavaScript to TypeScript

In one of our biggest projects, we develop and maintain a React web application. Last year, we decided to migrate it to TypeScript. How did it go? How did we migrate JavaScript to TypeScript? Was it worth it? What struggles we met and are we still having any issues? I’ll try to address these questions in this article.

Disclaimer: I’m not describing the migration process step-by-step or TypeScript itself in this article. You can find many resources on that online, including official TS docs.